Back, during the A-Z challenge, I mentioned that I work in a nursing home.
Some of the ladies there have a little knitting group on the go. They meet up in the lounge twice a week, making up strips of brightly coloured garter stitch, which are then sewn together by an outside party into blankets. I believe the charity they are supporting is called something like "Fish and Chip Babies".
Anyway, one of their number gave me this bag of oddments of yarn on Friday.
The question she asked me was .. "Do you think you could make a blanket with all of this?"
Well, I'm sure I can do something.....what intrepid knitter wouldn't accept that challenge?
At first, I thought I would make crocheted granny squares..but instead I have opted to follow their lead, using garter stitch.
15 stitches each colour..continuing in garter stitch until I have to cast off.
This was what I had accomplished by early yesterday morning..and there is a bit more to add to the pile now.
It'll be fun fitting all the different sized pieces together, making a colourful puzzle blanket for some little one, somewhere in the world.
Well on the way to completing this challenge, huh?
:) x